An address verification letter is a formal document used to confirm an individual’s residency at a specific address. The certificate is issued by a government body, such as a Village Development Committee (VDC) or municipality, and includes information about the individual’s name and current address.
The Address Verification letter serves as official proof of an individual’s current address and is often required for various purposes, such as obtaining government services, enrolling in school, or applying for loans. This certificate helps to ensure that an individual’s address is up-to-date and accurate.
Below is the format of Address Verification Certificate for reference. (Edit as per requirements.)
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Format for Address Verification Certificate
Ref. No.: Date:
Subject: Verification of Address
This is to certify that former old Address Village Development Committee (VDC) Ward No…. has upgraded as new Address Municipality Ward No… as per decision made on 20..B.S (20.. A.D) by the government of Nepal. Thus, both of the address as belongs of Mr./Ms. applicant’s name being found on his/her concerned and certified documents.